
Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice

BLME Capital Company

This notice describes how we use your personal information.


The scope of this Privacy Policy covers applicant's, customer’s (including authorised representatives), shareholder’s and other individual's Personal Data in respect of the following:

Who we are and what we do?

What is Personal Data and what Personal Data do we collect and how we collect your Personal Data and what are the legal basis and purposes for collection and the use of your Personal Data?

What is the purpose and scope of this Privacy Policy?

Why do we process your Personal Data?

How We rely on your consent and how to withdraw your consent?

How and why do we retain your Personal Data?

What are your rights to your Personal Data?

Direct marketing

How we transfer of your Personal Data cross border?

When, how and with whom will we share your Personal Data?

Where your information will be held?

Analysis and Marketing



Links to third party websites


Changes to this Privacy Policy

What happens if you do not provide us with your Personal Data?

Communicating with us

Personal Data Protection Officer Contact Details

Complaint or Objection Filing Method

Who we are and what we do?

BLME Capital Company (“BLME Capital”, “we”, “us”, “our”) is committed to safeguarding the privacy of the Personal Data we collect and process.

BLME Capital, is a company incorporated in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (“Kingdom”), with its registered office address Laysen Valley, building 28, King Khaled Street Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and its registered details being CR. No. 1010848884, Chamber of Commerce Membership No. 779970. BLME Capital is authorised by the Capital Market Authority (CMA) with License No. 22244-32. BLME Capital is a subsidiary of Bank of London and The Middle East plc which is a member of the Boubyan Bank Group. This Privacy Policy is intended for BLME Capital’s customers and other persons that access BLME Capital’s website For the purposes of applicable data protection laws and regulations, BLME Capital head office and its branches in the Kingdom are controllers of your “Personal Data”.

BLME Capital along with its subsidiaries, affiliates and related entities are committed to providing the highest level of protection to your Personal Data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

This Privacy Policy forms part of our commitment to be open and fair with all individuals whose Personal Data we process and to provide details around how we process such Personal Data and what we do with it.

If we change anything important about this notice (the information we collect, how we use it or why we use it) we will highlight those changes at the top of the notice.

What is Personal Data and what Personal Data do we collect and how we collect your Personal Data and what are the legal basis and purposes for collection and the use of your Personal Data?

As per the applicable data protection laws in the Kingdom“ personal data” refers to “Any data, regardless of its source or form, that may lead to identifying an individual specifically, or that may directly or indirectly make it possible to identify an individual, including name, personal identification number, addresses, contact numbers, license numbers, records, personal assets, bank and credit card numbers, photos and videos of an individual, and any other data of personal nature”.

Before we provide services to you, we undertake checks for the purposes of preventing fraud and money laundering, and to verify your identify. We will collect, store and use your Personal Data to facilitate your application(s) for investment products or services and to onboard you as a customer or an authorised representative of our customer and for the purposes set out in more detail in this section. Where we refer to ‘customer’, this includes individuals acting on behalf of our customers, for example authorised representatives.

The Personal Data you provide, we collect from you, or we receive from third parties will be used to prevent fraud and money laundering, and to verify your identity. Details of the Personal Data that will be processed include, for example, name, address, date of birth, contact details, financial information, employment details and device identifiers including IP address. We may also collect behavioural Personal Data from you if you apply for any of our investment products to understand your risk profile. Certain types of Personal Data are more sensitive than others. "Special category personal data" about you includes information about health, disability, race, ethnicity, criminal offences (or alleged offences), intellectual or political opinions, biometrics or genetic, religion or credit data. We may collect and receive special category Personal Data about you.

Your Personal Data may be shared with some third parties as is set out in more detail below. We and fraud prevention agencies may also enable law enforcement agencies to access and use your Personal Data to detect, investigate and prevent crime.

Information that you give to us as part of the customer on-boarding process for products and services, whether online, in-person, via post or over the telephone including:

  • Your contact details including: your name, address, email address
  • Your bank account details and financial information
  • Your employment details
  • Your date of birth
  • Your national identity number
  • Your gender
  • Your marital status
  • Your passport details
  • Your signature
  • Your behavioural personal data

We use this information to:

  • Process our application
  • On-board you as a customer and to help us ensure that our customers are genuine, to check whether our customers are politically exposed persons or are on sanctions lists, and to guard against money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud and other criminal activities
  • Conduct anti-money laundering, financial and credit checks (which may be renewed from time to time)
  • Conduct internal risk assessments to determine whether we can provide you with our products or services
  • Conduct financial personality assessment and knowledge and experience assessment where investing in our investment product offerings
  • Perform continual monitoring of your account(s) for fraud and crime prevention and detection purposes
  • Provide, manage and administer our products and services to you, including opening and managing your account
  • Manage our relationship with you
  • Make payment to you or take payment from you
  • To communicate with you regarding your account and our services
  • Better understand how our customers use products and services from us and other organisations
  • To provide advice or guidance about our products and services
  • Send you direct marketing about products and services we think you might be interested in and personalised offers or information which are based on the products and services you receive
  • Collect debts
  • Make necessary disclosures in response to requests, which we are legally required to comply with, to law enforcement or a regulatory authority, body or agency or in the defence of legal claims.

We use your Personal Data:

  • As it is necessary for the performance of our contract with you. For example, we must use your contact details and payment details to create your account and to manage your investments
  • To meet our legal obligations in respect of Anti-Money Laundering laws and "Know your Customer" requirements. For example, if we suspect money laundering or terrorist financing, we must make a disclosure to the relevant authority
  • On the basis that we have a legitimate interest in preventing fraud and money laundering, to verify identity, in order to protect our business and to comply with laws that apply to us. Such processing is also a contractual requirement of the services or financing you have requested
  • As it is in our legitimate interests to better understand the needs and concerns of our customers so that we may improve the products and services we offer and the way in which we provide our existing products and services as well as developing new products and services
  • Where we have collected your consent for electronic direct marketing you can withdraw your consent at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in any of our marketing emails or by contacting our Data Protection Officer
  • To assess your suitability for investing in our fund offering
  • To understand your level of experience and knowledge for assessing our ability to offer you investment products
  • To appropriately categorise you before we can provide you with our investment products.

Information that is given to us by you as an organisation as part of the customer on-boarding process, whether online, in person or over the telephone including:

  • your contact details including: your name, address, email address
  • your position at the organisation, including details of your start date and the role held
  • Details of other positions held by you concurrently or in the past
  • Details of any previous disqualifications from acting as an officer or director of a Company

We use this information to:

  • To help us ensure that our customers are genuine, to check whether our customers are politically exposed persons or are on sanctions lists, and to guard against money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud and other criminal activities
  • Conduct anti-money laundering, financial and credit checks (which may be renewed from time to time)

Information when you communicate with us whether in person, through our website or via email, over the telephone, through social media or via any other medium, including:

  • Your contact details (which can include your email address or social media account details, depending on how you choose to communicate with us)
  • The details of your communications with us (including when you sent it, when we received it and where you sent it from, such as our website, post, telephone, email or social media) The details of our messages to you (including information that you may post on our social media platforms)

We use this information to:

  • Answer any issues or concerns
  • Monitor customer communications for quality and training purposes
  • Develop new services which are based on the information you provide
  • Improve our services based on the information and feedback you provide and the information and feedback provided by others
  • Personalise our service to you to take account of the information and feedback you have provided
  • Make necessary disclosures in response to requests which we are legally required to comply with, to law enforcement or a regulatory authority, body or agency or in the defence of legal claims.

We use your Personal Data:

  • Where we have your consent
  • As it is necessary for the performance of our contract with you.
  • To meet our legal obligation to communicate with you regarding certain matters concerning your finances
  • As it is in our legitimate interests to better understand the needs and concerns of our customers so that we may improve the products and services we offer and the way in which we provide our existing products and services as well as developing new products and services

Information that we collect through your use of our website including:

  • Device information such as operating system, unique device identifiers, the mobile network system
  • Hardware and browser settings
  • Date and time of requests
  • The requests you make
  • The pages you visit and search engine terms you use
  • IP addresses

We use this information to:

  • Provide and adapt our services to take account of the technical capabilities of our users
  • Develop new services based on the information being collected, the behaviours of our users and the technical capabilities of our users
  • Improve our services to better suit the behaviours and technical capabilities of the users of our service
  • Identify issues with the website and users’ experiences of it
  • Manage and administer our IT systems
  • Monitor the way our website is used (including locations it is accessed from, devices it is accessed from, understanding peak usage times and analysing what functionality and information is most and least accessed)

We use your Personal Data:

  • As it is in our legitimate interests to understand and assess the number of visitors, where the visitors have come from, page views and devices used in order to optimise our website to ensure that we are delivering it in a way that is helpful to our users and provides relevant, engaging and helpful information.
  • As it is in our legitimate interests to ensure that our websites, network and information technology are secure and are being used in an appropriate manner.

Information that we collect from third party partners and corporate customers which includes:

  • Fraud prevention agencies
  • KYC (Know Your Customer)/ KYB (Know Your Business) Providers
  • Financial Crime Prevention Providers
  • Compliance Providers
  • Payment processing companies
  • Your other financial services provider(s)
  • Your professional advisors
  • Other entities in our group
  • Publicly available sources

We use this information to:

  • On-board you as a customer and to help us ensure that our customers are genuine, to check whether our customers are politically exposed persons or are on sanctions lists, and to guard against money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud and other criminal activities
  • Conduct anti-money laundering, financial and credit checks (which may be renewed from time to time)
  • Verify our customers' credit histories
  • Perform continual monitoring of your account(s) for fraud and crime prevention and detection purposes
  • Conduct internal risk assessments to determine whether we can provide you with our products or services
  • Provide, manage and administer our products and services to you, including opening and managing your account
  • Manage and administer our IT systems
  • Make payment to you or take payment from you

We use your Personal Data:

  • As it is necessary for the performance of our contract with you. For example, we will use your account details provided by your other financial services providers to transfer amounts in accordance with your instructions
  • To meet our legal obligations in respect of Anti-Money Laundering laws and "Know your Customer" requirements. For example, if we suspect money laundering or terrorist financing, we must make a disclosure to the relevant authority
  • As it is in our legitimate interest and your legitimate interest that we protect you against fraud or criminal activity which might negatively impact your account or the products and services which we are providing.

Information we collect incidentally from other sources such as public sources, or from individuals representing organisations, including:

  • Information available in the media
  • Information presented on our social media or wider social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
  • Information collected by security systems
  • Contact details of individuals working for organisations
  • Other personal information regarding such individuals

We use this information to:

  • Maintain market awareness
  • Build and maintain social media branding
  • Provide security to our premises
  • On-board you as a customer and to help us ensure that our customers are genuine, to check whether our customers are politically exposed persons or are on sanctions lists, and to guard against money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud and other criminal activities
  • Build relationships with other organisations
  • Provide marketing communications to these individuals
  • Improve our services and develop new services based on the preferences and behaviours of these individuals

We use your Personal Data:

  • As it is in our legitimate interest to remain aware of updated market practice to ensure that we are offering a service which is competitive and meets the expectations of our customers
  • As it is in our legitimate interest to enhance our brand awareness and reputation which will help us to become more successful and to offer a greater variety of products and services to our customers.
  • As it is in our legitimate interest to monitor the areas around and within our premises to safeguard our employees, customers and members of the public against wrongdoing or criminal activity.
  • To meet our legal obligations in respect of Anti-Money Laundering laws and "Know your Customer" requirements. For example, if we suspect money laundering or terrorist financing, we must make a disclosure to the relevant authority.

Shareholder and investor data. We collect and process Personal Data relating to our shareholders and investors or shareholders and investors in our funds which includes:

  • Your contact details including: your name, address, email address, identity document

We use this information to:

  • Maintain an accurate record of past and current shareholders in our company or our funds
  • Communicate with shareholders in our company or our funds

We use your Personal Data:

  • To meet our legal obligations in respect of corporate law or regulatory requirements

Collecting Special Categories of Personal Data

We have identified here the types of special categories of Personal Data and criminal data we may collect or receive, how we will use it and why we will use it.

What special categories of Personal Data we collect

How we use your special category Personal Data

Why we use your special category Personal Data

Special Categories of Information and Criminal Data that you give us or that we receive from you, your organisation or from third parties:

  • Passport details which may disclose details of your racial or ethnic origin (and nationality)
  • Buying and / or applying for certain products and /or services that imply specific religious beliefs (such as placing a Wakala Deposit)
  • Information relating to criminal activity that is provided to us from third party organisations providing screening services
  • Other special categories of Personal Data which you provide to us whether in person, by telephone, in writing, by email or by some other form of communication

We use this information to:

  • Process your application
  • On-board you as a customer and to help us ensure that our customers are genuine, to check whether our customers are politically exposed persons or are on sanctions lists, and to guard against money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud and other criminal activities
  • To make “Suspicious Activity Reports” which include detailed information about transactions that are or appear to be suspicious to the relevant authorities or regulators
  • Conduct anti-money laundering, financial and credit checks (which may be renewed from time to time)
  • Conduct internal risk assessments to determine whether we can provide you with our products or services
  • Perform continual monitoring of your account(s) for fraud and crime prevention and detection purposes
  • Provide, manage and administer our products and services to you, including opening and managing your account
  • Respond to your questions, queries and / or complaints

We use your special categories of Personal Data:

  • Where you have manifestly made this information public
  • Where the processing is necessary in connection with legal claims
  • Where we have collected your explicit consent for a particular processing purpose
  • Where the processing is in the substantial public interest. For example, we process special categories of Personal Data in connection with our background checks, “Suspicious Activity Reports” and sanction screening in order to prevent or detect unlawful acts

Consequences of processing

If we, or a fraud prevention agency, determine that you pose a fraud or money laundering risk, we may refuse to provide the services or financing you have requested, or to employ you, or we may stop providing existing services to you.

A record of any fraud or money laundering risk will be retained by the fraud prevention agencies, and may result in others refusing to provide services, financing or employment to you. If you have any questions about this, please contact us by using the “Contact Us” section below.

What is the purpose and scope of this Privacy Policy?

The purpose of this statement is to inform you about how we collect, use, store, make available, disclose, update, safeguard, destroy or otherwise deal with (process) your Personal Data and also to explain your rights relating to the privacy of your Personal Data and how the law protects you:

  • Deliver our products and services, or process your transactions;
  • Assessing and providing products and services to our customers;
  • Operating our business;
  • Improving our products and services to our customers.

Why do we process your Personal Data?

In order for us to provide you with our products and services we need to process your Personal Data and also for the reasons set out below. Any Personal Data received by us will be used for the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy or in a separate notice provided to you. Except for where permitted by law, we will not process your Personal Data in a manner that is inconsistent with the defined purpose for which it was collected.

How We rely on your consent and how to withdraw your consent?

In addition to the reasons above, we may process your Personal Data if we have specific consent for a defined purpose. We will also obtain your consent where we are required to do so under applicable laws.
We will rely on your consent for the following purposes which may include:

  • to send you marketing and advertising communications via (please note that you can opt-out of receiving such communications at anytime by clicking on the unsubscribe link in any of our marketing emails or contacting us at the details provided below);
  • to promote new financial and investment products and services that may be of interest to you.
  • to evaluate your profile and consider your application for a job role at BLME Capital.
    (Please note that if you are an applicant
    BLME Capital will also process your Personal Data).

If we rely on consent to process your Personal Data, you may at any time withdraw such consent. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing, based on your consent, conducted prior to such withdrawal, or where we have other legitimate reasons for processing your Personal Data.

When we rely on your consent (and no other alternate legal bases) you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

If you wish to withdraw your consent, you can do so by contacting our Data Protection Officer (DPO). Please note that even after you withdraw your consent, we may be obliged to keep your Personal Data due to legal requirements.

BLME Capital’s DPO can be reached at
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns about how we handle your data.

How and why do we retain your Personal Data?

We will keep your information for as long as you are a BLME Capital customer and for a period of time after you stop being a customer of ours and as may be applicable under the law.

When you stop being a BLME Capital customer, we will retain your Personal Data for a period of up to ten years. We retain your Personal Data in this way to enable us to respond to any queries or complaints which you may have in the future and to maintain records in line with our legal obligations to do so.

In certain circumstances we may also retain your Personal Data for longer than 10 years if this is necessary in connection with a legal, regulatory or contractual obligation.

We will not delete Personal data if relevant to an investigation or a dispute. It will continue to be stored until those issues are fully resolved.

Fraud prevention agencies can hold your Personal Data for different periods of time and in line with the applicable law. In all cases, we will continue to protect your Personal Data in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. We will also routinely refresh our information to ensure we keep it up-to-date.

What are your rights to your Personal Data?

It is important to us that you understand your rights under the law and how you can exercise them. You have the following rights:

  • Right to be informed about the legal basis and the purpose of the collection of your Personal Data.
  • Right to request access to your Personal Data that we hold about you.
  • Right to request your Personal Data from us in a readable and clear format.
  • Right to request corrections to your Personal Data if incorrect, and/or modifications to your Personal Data if incomplete or updates where your Personal Data held by us is out of date. In this instance you may request us to restrict processing of your Personal Data that is incorrect.
  • Right to request destruction of your Personal Data.
  • Right to withdraw your consent you previously gave us to the extent any of your Personal Data is collected based on consent. You can exercise your right to withdraw consent as set out below.
  • Right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority in respect of our processing activities regarding your Personal Data.
  • Right to claim compensation for material or moral damage if you are harmed as a result of any violation stipulated under the applicable laws.

For more information or to exercise any of your data protection rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer at

You also have a right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular:

The Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) can be contacted at 8001221111 and You can also complete their online enquiry form.

Direct marketing

You can opt-out of receiving direct marketing from us at any time.

We may use the information you give us on our website or when we accept your application to open an account with us for direct marketing purposes to provide updates; newsletters; details of events; or other communications that we think may interest you. We will only do this with your consent (where required by law).

You can opt-out of receiving directing marketing from us at any time. You can do this by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link included at the end of any marketing email we send to you, or by contacting our Data Protection Officer using the contact details set out below.

We will not send you any communications for the purpose of direct marketing without obtaining your prior explicit consent. If you consent to receive such direct marketing communications, you have at any time a right to opt out by contacting us via the email or follow the instructions provided in the direct marketing communication.

How we transfer of your Personal Data cross border?

We may share your Personal Data with our affiliates or
subcontract the processing of your data to, or otherwise share your data with, service providers located inside or outside the Kingdom. Such third parties may be engaged in, among other things, the provision of services to you, the processing of transactions, payments and/or the provision of support services. We will fulfil any requirements in relation to the international transfers of Personal Data under applicable laws.

Personal Data are stored on our headquarters servers or on servers of an external entity, such as cloud computing service providers (whether inside or outside the Kingdom). We will store your Personal Data for a period of ten years or for the duration necessary to fulfil the outlined purposes in this notice. This duration might be changed or extended based on your continued usage and benefiting of our services and products, and/or based on regulatory requirements for the retention of Personal Data or connected information in a manner that does not conflict with the relevant laws and regulations. In destroying your Personal Data, after its intended purpose is fulfilled, we will use the following methods secure erasure, physical Destruction, duplexing, and shredding and we will ensure that such data cannot be viewed or recovered. Depending on the type of your Personal Data, we will use the following administrative, technical, and organizational means and measures that have been taken to protect Personal Data from incidents of leakage, damage, or illegal access, including, but not limited to, [the use of data encryption, anonymization, and coding methods.

When, how and with whom will we share your Personal Data?

There are certain circumstances where we transfer your Personal Data to other parties.

  • Your Personal Data may be shared and processed by other companies within our group, for example, where they provide services to us, for marketing purposes, for entering into a contract with you for the provision of our products or services or to perform obligations under that contract and for internal reporting. When you open an account with us and you already have an account within the BLME plc group, we may request your KYC documentation from that group company to assist in the account opening process or ongoing maintenance of your account.
  • We share your information with certain contractors or service providers. They may process your Personal Data for us, for example, if we use a marketing agency. Other service providers include advertising agencies, IT suppliers, risk profiling/assessment tools, database providers, backup and disaster recovery specialists, email providers custodian banks and outsourced call centres.
    Our suppliers and service providers will be required to meet our standards on processing information and security. The information we provide them, including your Personal Data, will only be provided in connection with the performance of their function. They will not be permitted to use your Personal Data for any purposes other than those outlined in this Privacy Policy.
  • We also share your information with certain third parties. We will do this either when we receive your consent or because we need them to see your information to provide products or services to you or for one of the other purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. These may include, our professional advisors (including lawyers, accountants and auditors), credit reference agencies, anti-fraud databases and agencies, screening agencies, organisations that introduce you to us, third parties associated or linked with your business, organisations that we introduce you to and Independent Financial Advisors.
  • Your Personal Data may be transferred to other third-party organisations in certain scenarios:

    • If we discuss selling or transferring part or all of our business – the information may be transferred to prospective purchasers under suitable terms as to confidentiality;
    • If we are reorganised or sold, information may be transferred to a buyer who can continue to provide services to you;
    • If we are required to by law, or under any regulatory code or practice we follow, or if we are asked by any public or regulatory authority – for example, the police; or
    • If we are defending a legal claim your information may be transferred as required in connection with defending such claim.
  • We do not sell, rent or trade any of your Personal Data.
  • We will not, without your consent, disclose or supply your Personal Data to any third party for the purpose of their or any other third party's direct marketing.

Your Personal Data may be shared if it is made anonymous and aggregated, as in such circumstances the information will cease to be personal data.

Where your information will be held?

Personal Data we collect, is predominantly stored in the UK on servers hosted by Bank of London and The Middle East plc. Your Personal Data may be stored and processed in and transferred between any of the countries in which we operate (which includes the UK and Dubai), in order to enable us to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Analysis and Marketing

We use third party tools to personalise the advertising displayed to you on our website.

For this purpose, we use cookies, web beacons or similar technologies to collect information about your browsing behaviour (see our Cookie Notice for more detailed information) and deliver interests-based ads to you.


We are committed to keeping your Personal Data safe. We have physical, technical and administrative measures in place to prevent unauthorised access, loss, misuse or alteration of your personal data.

We store all personal information on secure servers with relevant access and firewall controls.

All applications processed through our website are encrypted. Any Personal Data sent to us, either in writing or email, may be unsecure in transit and we cannot guarantee its delivery.

Passwords must be kept confidential and not disclosed to a third party. BLME Capital does not ask you for your password.

Links to third party website

Our website, newsletters, email updates and other communications may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of others including our partner networks, advertisers and other group companies and/or social networks as offered to you and supported by your browser. Often links to other websites are provided solely as reference points to information on topics that may be useful to the users of our website.

The Personal Data that you provide through these websites is not subject to this Privacy Policy and the treatment of your Personal Data by such websites is not our responsibility. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies which will set out how your information is collected and processed when visiting those sites. For more information about the purpose and scope of data collection and processing in connection with social sharing features, please visit the privacy policies of entities through which you chose to share.


We do not knowingly collect information from children or other persons who are under 18 years old. If you are under 18 years old, you may not submit any personal information to us or apply for our products or services. If you believe we might have any personal information from or about a person under the age of 18, please contact the BLME Capital Data Protection Officer using the contact details below.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Notice will be changed from time to time.

If we change anything important about this Notice (the Personal Data we collect, how we use it or why) we will highlight those changes at the top of the notice and provide a prominent link to it for a reasonable length of time following the change.

We will also notify you in advance of the changes taking effect so that you understand what impact our changes may have on you.

If you would like to access previous versions of this Privacy Policy please contact the BLME Capital Data Protection Officer.

What happens if you do not provide us with your Personal Data?

The Personal Data requested by the BLME Capital is necessary to provide you with our products and services. If it is not provided, we may be unable to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations or provide you with our products and services.

Communicating with us

In case of any questions, you can contact us via the email and social media or through our website and mobile app.

If you are unhappy with how we’ve handled your Personal Data, or have further questions on the processing of your Personal Data, our Privacy Policy, and privacy practices, please contact us at

For further details regarding the processing of your Personal Data and how to exercise your rights, you can contact the DPO at BLME Capital using the below mentioned contact details:

Personal Data Protection Officer Contact Details

Phone Number: +966115130300


Complaint or Objection Filing Method

If you have any concerns, or if we do not comply with the Saudi personal data protection laws, you can file a complaint to BLME Capital Company using one of the following channels: Email: T; +966115130300. If you are not satisfied with how we process your complaint, or if we fail to respond within 10 Days, you can file a complaint to Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority as provided below:

SDAIA Address

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia



National Data Governance Platform (DGP) (

© BLME, All Rights Reserved

BLME Capital Company is a Subsidiary of Bank of London & Middle East Plc Building No. 2377, Secondary No. 7950, West Umm Al Hamam Dist. Riyadh 12329 KSA | T: +966115130300 Single Shareholder Closed Joint Company, Capital SAR 20M (Fully Paid) CR. No. 1010848884, Chamber of Commerce Membership No. 779970, Authorised and regulated by the Capital Market Authority License 22244-32.